I hate my (unfinished) painting.
Hate the composition (the most), hate that stupid road sign, hate that I've painted one of the girl's eyes slanted, hate that I have a friggin' disco ball to paint (that'd be TOUGH), hate that its so messy, hate that I can't concentrate,
hate that it sucks.
My mom and I went to the NAFA graduating exhibition today and I felt really inspired to do something interesting next year (okay, that's a long way away). But then I thought about my painting rotting at home, and I felt so irritated.
Irritated with myself for spending so much time to get the body shape right, blah blah blah.
Anyway, the exhibition was nice, I forgot to bring my camera though ):
Went shopping at bugis after that and bought myself a dress, a belt and some bangles. Oh, and kettle chips and lays. We ordered pizza at home after that, that's about it.
Tag replies
Jas: so u'll be still using this blog rite? eh the blood sculpture is disgusting la emma. it reminds me of the mad artist. the one who cut off his ears and use the blood to draw on walls. vincent van gogh.
{yeah I'm using this most of the time haha. I didn't know about drawing on the walls .__. but hey the meaning behind it is so.. true!}
ALICIA: omg im getting high from listening to the popping sounds! and i never knew there's a popcorn button on microwaves! HOW HOT IS THAT!
{WHY WOULD THAT BE HOT????? hahahah and I never knew that too I want home-popped popcorn! :D}
`nette: Hey emma! Linked you already

{haha yay! :D I've already stolen abit, my painting sucks argh D:}
wanzhen: hey emma!

{OKAY will relink you right after this! =D YES and I think I will haha! :D}
jesslin: i FINALLY opened a spree! =X come support xDD ur blog is finally not lagging on ym bgs com =X
jesslin: hoho i see linette
{hahah bgs? yes you see linette and OH HELLO LONG TIME NO SEE! =D}
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